Management information system (MIS)
Procuring management information efficiently and using it effectively
Today’s world is characterised by rapid developments and changes. This presents you with many entrepreneurial opportunities, but may also represent a threat to the success of your company. In order to be able to take advantage of targeted and well-founded management decisions, you have to be constantly focused upon the current situation and important developments within the company and its environment. Systematic management systems such as management information systems (MIS) serve as useful instruments.
MIS enable you to consolidate and link key performance indicators cross-functionally or department-specifically into an individual management overview. In the joint development of your MIS, MAK places the focus primarily on individual and needs-orientated design and evaluation. You can thereby access the desired information efficiently and use it effectively.
How can MAK support you?
MAK supports you in all phases - from analysis and design to completion and implementation, till the continuous improvement of your MIS.
To be specific, MAK offers the following services in these areas, which may be tailored to your requirements in a modular format:
- Introductory workshops in the fields "management systems" and "MIS" according to your requirements
- Review (second opinion) of your current MIS with well-founded recommendations and possible measures
- Development and execution of MIS that are customised to your company, as required (including preparation and moderation of workshops)
- Support in the evaluation and procurement of a IT-assisted solution according to your requirements
- Organisation and moderation of assessments for the periodic evaluation and continuous improvement of your existing MIS
Possible support by MAK:
- Project management
- Support / coaching of your internal project team
- Cooperation / support in your internal project team
- Support by our specialists to complement your internal project team
We offer these types of cooperation in conjunction with the complete execution of a project as well as supporting individual project phases.
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