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Project management and support for large and small projects

Efficient and sustainable implementation of your plans

Changes, improvements and innovations are relevant factors in your long-term company success. These are usually conducted in the form of projects, alongside the day-to-day activities. The continuous monitoring of costs, deadlines and quality (content and scope), as well as the consideration of interest groups, are essential for successful project management.

In order to guarantee you project management that is as efficient and sustainable as possible, it is important for us to take into account all relevant aspects of the project in terms of situation and targeting.

Image: Success factors in project management©

The institutional aspects are the first factors to be identified. These are directed towards clear definition of the project, efficient project set-up and consideration of managers and committees. Thanks to tried-and-tested methodological instruments, MAK ensures transparent and targeted project management. A project is only successful and can only be implemented if psychological aspects and dynamics are also taken into account and integrated. This requires a project manger as well as methodological knowledge and comprehensive soft skills.

Thanks to our many years of experience and internal quality control, we can achieve these factors of success and steer your project towards success.

Fact Sheet: Read more about our project management service

How can MAK support you?
MAK supports you in all phases – from analysis, design, execution and implementation to monitoring the effectiveness of your project.

To be specific, MAK offers the following services in these areas, which may be tailored to your requirements in a modular format:

  • Analysing the background and actualising the objectives
  • Project review with well-founded recommendations and possible measures for efficiently achieving your objectives
  • Definition of the targeted methodology and the project plans, in conjunction with managers
  • Design and implementation of a reporting and controlling system for identification of any project variations
  • Design and implementation of project-specific risk management with early warning indicators
  • Coordination and implementation of the project
  • Definition, implementation and consistent monitoring of necessary additional measures, to ensure the success of your project
  • Analysis of the company status and support in change management (removing resistance)

Possible support by MAK:

  • Project management
  • Support / coaching of your internal project team
  • Cooperation / support in your internal project team
  • Support by our specialists to complement your internal project team

We offer these types of cooperation in conjunction with the complete execution of a project as well as supporting individual project phases.

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MAK Consulting AG • Hübeliweg 1 • CH-3052 Zollikofen
Telephone: +41 31 382 06 00 • E-Mail: contact(at)mak.ch