Contract management
Manage contracts efficiently and minimise contract risks
Contracts are the foundation of your business activities. They control all transactions with groups of people who are in any way connected with your company – whether they are suppliers, clients, staff, partners, licensors or service representatives. Through the dynamic and targeted deployment of contractual agreements, your company can concentrate more intensively upon its core competences and increase value creation. Business relationships are becoming increasingly more complex nowadays. The management of contracts has therefore become a multi-layered and important company task.
There are diverse reasons, why efficient and transparent contract management is of vital importance to your company - e.g. minimising contract risks, upholding legal requirements, identifying optimisation potential or the reduction of costs by process optimisation and standardisation.
Appropriate contract management basically supports two fundamental corporate tasks:
- Drafting, management and processing of contracts
- Identification and analysis of business-relevant risks and opportunities from the contracts
In the field of contract management a multitude of different approaches and IT-supported tools are publicised. The challenge lies in finding a solution that meets your requirements and which can be integrated. MAK has no financial relationships or contractual commitments with manufacturers or sellers of products and systems. We therefore focus upon objective support for finding your solution. Besides the comprehension of the groups of people involved, business-relevant IT aids and the costs-benefits consideration, it is important to identify and understand company-specific requirements and basic conditions.
Fact Sheet: Read more about our contract management service
How can MAK support you?
MAK supports you in all phases – from analysis to design, execution and implementation up to periodic monitoring and adaptation.
MAK offers the following specific services in these areas, which can be tailored to your requirements in a modular form:
- Introductory workshops tailored to your requirements on the subject of "contract management"
- Analysis of your existing contract management (flaws, risk and opportunity analysis) with sound optimisation potential and options for action
- Definition and implementation of company-specific contract reporting (bases for management decisions, contract risk management with early warning indicators, etc.)
- Design and execution, as required, of integrated contract management, customised to your needs
- Definition of the specification of requirements and support in the evaluation and procurement of an IT-assisted solution according to your requirements
- Support in the sustainable implementation of your integrated contract management
- Executing assessments for the periodic evaluation and continuous improvement of your existing contract management
Possible support by MAK:
- Project management
- Support / coaching of your internal project team
- Cooperation / support in your internal project team
- Support by our specialists to complement your internal project team
We offer these types of cooperation in conjunction with the complete execution of a project as well as supporting individual project phases.
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